September Press Release
September 1, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Assembly of Hope and Mercy: Defending Christians in the Lands Where It All Began September 18, 2015 7pm – 9pm St. John Francis Regis Chapel Inspired by the Peace, Love and Co-Existence Among the Children of Abraham (PLACE) initiative of the Archdiocese of Denver and Eparchy of Our…
Glenn Beck Vows to Walk Middle East Religious Persecution Victims Across the U.S. Border Himself if Sufficient Funds Can Be Raised
Glenn Beck was furious on Friday when Johnnie Moore, author of “Defying ISIS: Preserving Christianity in its Place of Birth and in Your Own Backyard,” said that victims of Middle East persecution are being denied entry to the United States. Most of the victims being denied are Christian, Moore said, even though Christianity is at…