Young Lebanese actor, singer and influencer Wissam Saliba stands as St. Rafka’s Mission of Hope and Mercy ambassador of advocacy and good will.
OCCASION: Charlottesville-Barcelona Attacks: Prayer heals all hate
Pray with us for an end to violence and terror in the U.S.A. and the world
I pray that people will finally realize how dangerous the situation in the world is today for Christians and for the Judeo-Christian civilization of peace, faith, hope and love.
I pray that the eyes, ears, minds, and hearts of people in America and the world will open to conversion and repentance before it is too late. Read More
Eastern Catholic patriarchs urge international action on genocide of Christians in Middle East : News Headlines
Concluding a meeting in Dimane, Lebanon, the patriarchs of the Eastern churches in communion with Rome have issued a “prophetic appeal” warning agains a “plan of genocide” that threatens to eliminate the Christian presence in the Middle East.
In their statement the Eastern Catholic prelates urge international leaders to bring an end to the warfare in their region. They encourage Pope Francis to bring world leaders together to plan action to protect the Christians in the Middle East. Read More
Bulletin/ Blog Fr Andre’s Message Sunday August 13- 2017
My dearest parishioners;
I join Bishops Elias Zaidan and Gregory Mansour, the clergy and laity of the Eparchies of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles and of Saint Maron Brooklyn, to offer our sympathy and condolence to the Shaheen family of late Bishop Robert J. Shaheen, who passed away on Wednesday August 9- 2017, in St. Louis MO. Read More
SORRY NIMAR – Appeal to Mary For NIMAR
With these words filled with Faith, Hope and Love, I greet your Mother O Lord, calling Her: Star of the East, Light of all Nations! Help of Christians.
Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, please break the silence. You need to speak in America “Hic et Nunc”, “Here and Now”.
My hurt comes ultimately from the sad story of NIMAR NADER, one of five babies who ended up dead this past week because a local Lebanese hospital demanded $6500.00 dollars be secured from private funds in order to continue his care. Read Message
Marvin Emergency Case
Full Name :Marvin Mazen Polus
Age: 13
Nationality: Iraki
Religion: Christian catholic
Current Situation: at home, needs hospitalization. Suffering from head migraine, body Paralysis, and sudden body convulsion Crises
First time admitted to the hospital: 24/7/2017
Medical diagnosis: Suffering from hemicorpitis paralysis and head viruses, needs urgent hospitalization
Hospital Cost: $1000-3000 per day
First time admitted to the hospital: 24/7/2017
Bulletin/ Blog Fr Andre’s Message Sunday July 16- 2017 For the Book called: God for Dummies
On the Third Sunday of July, it has been the custom of the Maronite Faithful to celebrate the feast day of Saint Sharbel Makhlouf, the monk and hermit of the late 18th century who died on December 24, Christmas Eve, 1898. Saint Sharbel (also written as Charbel) lived the last part of his life as hermit in the hermitage of Saints Peter and Paul, near the Monastery of Saint Maron, Annaya, a village in the mountains of Jbeil, a region of the Mount Lebanon province, in Lebanon. Read More
The Gift of Silence IX: The Redemptive Silence of the Virgin Mary – For the Book called: God for Dummies
The redemptive silence of the Virgin Mary is the story of every human being with whom God enters into a sacred covenant for the sake of salvation. I like to define the redemptive silence of the Virgin Mary as the flowing river, or the Gate of Heaven or the Ark of the Covenant, or the Way of Light that allowed God to enter and act directly in our human history. For through Mary, her few words and her many silences, God the Father revealed His Divine Providence where in all Divine Wisdom God acted fully our Redemption that we have all received through the Incarnation, Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Read More
Gift- VIII: The Gift of the Redemptive Silence of Christianity
Two keys in Christianity are:
1. Our silence is redemptive, but We preach the Word of the Gospel as the Good News for all creation that is in labor pain for Life in Jesus. Therefore Saint Paul tells us: “For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1Cor 9:16). Read More