St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
1164 S Josephine St Denver, CO 80210
CONTACT: Mr. Joe Webb • [email protected] • 720-285-2452 c.
What can be done to save lives in the Middle East and defeat ISIS?
(Denver) — St. Rafka’s Mission of Hope and Mercy in the Middle East will host a forum on ISIS and the Middle East at 1 p.m. Saturday October 8th in the gymnasium of St. Vincent De Paul Catholic School located at 1164 S Josephine St, Denver, CO 80210.
Moderated by Rev. Andre Mahanna of St. Rafka’s Maronite Church in Lakewood, participants include Colorado State Senator Tim Neville, George Athanasopoulus, GOP nominee for Congress from the 7th Congressional District, Casper Stockham, and GOP nominee for Congress from the 1st Congressional District.
Find the event, and let Joe know you’re coming, on Facebook at:
Video about St. Rafka’s Mission of Hope and Mercy in the Middle East:
St. Rafka’s Mission of Hope and Mercy website:
MISSION STATEMENT of Oct. 21, 2015
Prophetically in 1997, Saint Pope John Paul II declared: “Lebanon is more than a country. It is a message of freedom and an example of pluralism for East and West.”
Lebanon, being faithful to its biblical image as the house and the holy forest that protects the worship and faith in the One God, is a sanctuary for Christianity in the Middle East and is once again playing a central role in providing food and shelter on a daily basis for persecuted religious minorities.
St. Rafka Mission of Hope and Mercy, an entity connected to the Maronite Church in America with roots in Lebanon, acts as a prophet who warns and educates, a soldier who protects and saves, a Good Samaritan who ministers and restores, and an apostle of Christ who is a peacemaker and herald of the Good News.
We are not just a charity mission, we aim to protect and promote the body of Christ in its fullness. We are the faithful in action defending religious liberty, protecting human rights, and servicing persecuted Christians and other innocent sufferers by means of awareness and charity. We stand as a united front of Christians of all traditions to safeguard the natural law etched by God in our hearts for the sake of peace, love, coexistence and life with dignity for all.