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OCCASION: Charlottesville-Barcelona Attacks: Prayer heals all hate

Categories: Statements,Weekly Messages

Pray with us for an end to violence and terror in the U.S.A. and the world

I pray that people will finally realize how dangerous the situation in the world is today for Christians and for the Judeo-Christian civilization of peace, faith, hope and love.

I pray that the eyes, ears, minds, and hearts of people in America and the world will open to conversion and repentance before it is too late.

Terror in the world is attacking God and His church worldwide. The master of the world has unleashed the gates of hell to reap the murder of innocents, to enslave women and children, to break the hearts and unity of families and nations, to cause division and confusion, and to create a bath of blood all over the world.

Only prayer and unity can help at this point. Only coming together to repent and call upon the Most Holy Name of God our Heavenly Father, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whom Jesus called: ABBA- Father.

I am mourning the injuries and deaths of the innocent victims in Charlottesville, Virginia last week and in Barcelona, Spain yesterday, and I am crying out urgently for people of good will to join me at the Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast at Saint Rafka Church in Lakewood, Colorado this Saturday.  There we will pray for peace and stand together in solidarity to give hope to the innocent people throughout the world who are being led like sheep to the slaughter.

We must come together to pray and save America.  It is the last haven for hope, peace and justice in the world.

We must protect America by preventing our young children and families from becoming indoctrinated to evil, to hatred of Christ, to indifference towards our great nation that gives honor to God. We must become Apostles to our Nation and advocates for the many American families who have become victims of the economic, racial, and political divides that threaten to tear our country apart. We must fight for the right to religious freedom in America.

We must hold fast America’s foundational treasure – the divine quality of its Judeo-Christian identity.
We must stop the genocide against Christianity and monotheistic faith in the world.

Please join us.

By Fr. Andre Mahanna


Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
St. Rafka Maronite Catholic Church
2301 Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood, CO 80214
, August 19, 2017
8:00 – 11:00 am.
Doors open at 6:45 a.m.

Author: strafka