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Fr Andre’s Weekly Message – Gift V – The Holy Spirit and the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Categories: Weekly Messages

Gift V: The Holy Spirit and the Sacred Heart of Jesus – June 4- 2017

“Faithful people, Catholics and all Christians I invite you to consecrate yourselves, our Nation and the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a spirit of Reparation”.

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, Today is a good day. Today is the Day of the Resurrection of the Lord, Sunday, the Day in which we are all invited to rejoice and be glad. Today is the Day that is the first of the week, marking the 50th day. of the day of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the tomb, destroying hell, and conquering death our enemy. Today, is the First Sunday of the Month of June; the entire Month is in fact consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Feast is June 23), Fount of Divine Mercy, which gushed forth with blood and water on the Cross for our salvation. To Him we declare: “Jesus I Trust in You.”

On the Church level, today I call with all of you to God our Heavenly Father to send upon the Earth the Holy Spirit of Truth and Consolation. The Spirit of Hope and who voices in us the Confession of our Faith: Christ my Lord and Savior, “Marana Ta” “Lord Come”.

Today I pray with you to Christ, the Risen and Glorified Lord who sits now in full glory at the right hand of God the Father, to send His Holy Spirit “to renew the face of the Earth.”

Remember before all, that when the apostles and disciples of Christ had not yet received the Holy Spirit they were scared and weak. They were afraid and not open to understand the mysteries of Heaven. But when the Divine time to fulfill the promise of sending the Holy Spirit on the 50th Day, Pentecost came, they became strong. They spoke in languages, the gave testimony, they interpreted the Word of God, they healed people, they went out to the entire world to preach the Gospel of Good News.

Everything became new on the Day of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The apostles and disciples understood that the power of God the Father, through Christ in the Holy Spirit overcame all other power in heaven and on earth. They experienced the power of God in their weak bodies, they became strong, courageous, learned, knowledgeable, understanding, people of good counsel, martyrs and witnesses to the Word and through death, patient, wise, people with fortitude, prayerful beings with piety and light for other people, and who led all in the fear of the Lord.

What beauty is this that the apostles and the disciples of Christ saw when they were in the Upper Room of Jerusalem with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in their midst, when the Holy Spirit came down in the form of tongues of fire and rested on each one of them.

Blessed is the Virgin Mary, and the apostles and disciples as upon receiving the Holy Spirit, fear vanished and the Truth of Life and Salvation was spoken out in Public to all people of the Earth.

The Pentecost Day is the Feast of renewal of Hope, the day of Truth, the day of Liberation from Fear, the day of the overflowing of the Grace of God called: Divine Grace, the day of the reception of the GIFT that is the Holy Spirit. This Gift kills all fear in us, washes us from our sins and inequities, makes us realize the immensity of the Love of God the Father to mankind and His Divine Will for us to be saved, restored to life of peace, joy, prosperity, and grace.

Today the Earth is suffering. Today people in our nation are experiencing confusion and are being led to sin. Christians are being persecuted in the millions, and the Word of God is being attacked. Bibles are being burned, manuscripts of the oldest prayer books, bible fragments which were written in Aramaic, the language of Christ, are being desecrated and burned as the oldest monasteries in the East are being destroyed. Today, people in our Nation and beyond are being offered to silence the truth and to not witness to Jesus as the Only Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the World, Lord and Christ. Today, as we saw last week in Egypt, even the children are being ordered to renounce Jesus as Savior, and to confess a wrong religious belief that makes them reject the truth of Jesus completely through a hateful, satanic accusation made by lies and murder. The Children of Egypt stood up last Friday in Minya. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and, one-by-one they confessed Jesus in the Public Square of sand, on the Deadly Highway called the Highway of Death. There, they submitted their souls into Jesus’ hands. They accepted the crown of Martyrs and the Reward of Saints at an early age as ISIS people shot them one-by-one, knowing that the children’s witness to Christ is way stronger than the fire of their bullets of hate and murder.

A message for these children is given to John by the Angel in the Book of Revelation:  (Revelation 2:10)

Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

Blessed are these children and their parents. Blessed are they for they are now with Christ in Heaven, heroes and martyrs. How could they have not feared unless they were already filled with the Holy Spirit to know and to confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Faithful brothers and sisters, I invite you all therefore, to consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a Spirit of reparation.

Here are my recommendations to parents in my parish and beyond:  Do not be thoughtless by not giving your children the Holy Spirit. I invite you to be spiritual parents to your children and not just physical parents who raise bodies for death. Revive God in the Hearts of your children. Don’t be like the ones that Jesus criticized openly saying, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Luke 11:13).

As Sister Lucia of Fatima, one of the three children who witnessed the Marian Apparitions at Fatima, shared in a letter read to the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, “the last war between the kingdom of Jesus Christ and Satan is over marriage and the family.” Satan will want to devour every child who is born even before birth, he will try to kill the joy of every couple who wants to form a family in the sacred covenant of marriage. He will create confusion and fear of commitment, he will target work and creation. All in order to make man stop loving woman, and man and woman from getting married in the sacred bond of marriage to bring children pleasing to God.

Remember the medicine for this foe of life: Consecrate yourselves and your families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Christ told sister Marguerite Mary Alacoque (died in 1691): “those who consecrate themselves to my Sacred Heart, I will give them the graces that are necessary in their state of life.”  In another promise Jesus also said: “I will establish peace in their families and will unite families that are divided.” Also Jesus said: “I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all in death. Most of all, Jesus said: “O will bestow the blessings of Heaven on all their enterprises.

My children, finally, please believe. My children, please recognize the love of God to you in Christ. My children, assemble and pray the rosary. Please assemble and accept the Holy Spirit as the Church celebrates the Day of Pentecost this Sunday. Please repent and come back to God. Please ask us to come to your homes and to bless your homes and places of work. Please repent and ask to go to the discipline of confession and receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the State of Grace.

Fr. Andre Mahanna

Author: strafka