Daily Archives: May 14, 2017

Fr Andre Mahanna’s Message for Second Sunday of May 14-2017

Gifts- II-
The Virgin Mary
She is the mirror of the splendor of God, through whom the Light of God first shone to mankind in the incarnation of the Son of the Living God, the Lord Jesus Christ. She is the Virgin Mary who, in this month, we honor as the Lady Mother of Life, Queen of Lebanon, Star of the East, Our Lady of Fatima.

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, many times in our lives as the children of the Father in Heaven, we are encouraged to stop and reflect on the meaning of our life under the protection of Our Lady and in relation to her work in the Plan of God for our salvation. We do have a mother yet it is up to us to call upon her aid and to ask for her intercession. Read message